caring, eternal matters, family, friends, God, heroes, inspiration, integrity, joy, life, love, pain, poem, positivity, purpose, rejection, suffering, thankfulness, truth


-written 11/4/2018

I have seen you struggle all your life

Among others you have had much strife

People treating you like just a toy

For them to just use and then destroy


But they don’t know the light in your soul

The light that makes you awesome and whole

They don’t know the joy you brought to me

Or how precious you will always be


Don’t let their dark extinguish your light

Remember your value in my sight

Because you’re unique and set apart

And that I love you with my whole heart

5 thoughts on “Precious”

  1. This is such a beautiful poem. I especially love the little line “ don’t let their dark extinguish your light” this is so true!


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